Our Governing Body

Brockholes Wood Governing Body instrument of government states that the school has places for 12 governors comprising: 4 parent governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor, 5 co-opted governors and the Headteacher.

Currently, the school governing body comprises of 9 governors: 5 co-opted governors, 1 staff governor, 2 parent governors and the Headteacher. This group meets regularly throughout the year to hold the Headteacher to account for the standards, value for money and educational excellence of the school. The governors are drawn from a range of backgrounds and bring a variety of skills and expertise. They are accountable for the school and work closely with the Headteacher and other staff to maintain and promote the success of the school in the local community.

Being part of the governing body enables governors to challenge the Headteacher and give reasons for specific decisions, how the school budget is spent and identify progress towards the achievement of the school improvement plan.    


The name of the school is Brockholes Wood Community Primary School.

The school is a Community school.

The name of the governing body is “The Governing Body of Brockholes Wood Community Primary School.”

The governing body shall consist of:-

  • 2 parent governors.
  • 1 LA governor.
  • 1 staff governor.
  • 1 Headteacher.
  • 7 co-opted governors

Total number of governors is 12.

The term of office of all governors is 4 years.

Our Governing Body Team

Overview of Committees

There are 2 committees that meet at least 3 times a year in each of the 3 terms: the Staffing and Standards & Effectiveness committee (SEC) and the Finance, Premises & Health and Safety committee. The Pay committee meets annually.

The Staffing and SEC’s primary function is to review the school improvement plan, review standards and examine what strategies are in place to raise standards, and review staffing.

The Finance, Premises & Health and Safety committee’s primary function is to approve and review the school budget, maintain the school premises and ensure that standards and monitoring are in place to provide effective safety in school.

Governor Pen Portraits

Mr Peter Gerrish is a Co-opted governor and our Chair of Governors. He is now retired, after working in various schools for over forty years with thirty years’ experience as a head teacher. Appointed to Brockholes Wood Primary School in November 2023.

Miss Charlotte Tomsett is a staff governor. She teachers in Y6 and leads maths and AGT across school.

Miss Natalie Barber is the Headteacher of the school. She was the Deputy Headteacher at Brockholes for five years and took up the Headteacher post in September 2023. She leads the teaching staff and assessment of pupil progress and attainment as well as being DSL.

Mrs Rachael Whittle is a Parent governor. She has a daughter in our school.

Mrs Smiera Yousaf is a Parent Governor. She has twins in our school.

Mr Kelvin Wilkins is a Co-opted governor.

Mr Nicholas Gregson is a Co-opted governor.

Mr Harry Cartwright is a Co-opted governor.

Mr Simon Ostiadel is a Co-opted governor.

Mr Richard Harding (observer) is our Deputy Headteacher. He is curriculum lead and DSL; he also has a lead responsibility for Science and Geography.

Brockholes Wood Community Primary School
Brant Road, Preston PR1 5TU
01772 792302
01772 795523
Kidsafe UK
Financial Management Standard in Schools
School Games Gold