English Curriculum

Approach to English

The English curriculum is taught using a wide range of quality texts to inspire and promote a love of books, information and reading.

Spelling is taught through the The Spelling Shed programme.

Handwriting is developed through the use of the online Letter-Join programme. Pupils are taught to join their writing from Year 2 class onwards.

Phonics is taught through a rigorous, systematic daily approach, using the Essential Letters & Sounds scheme. Each lesson is interactive and linked to phonically decodable matched reading books. Phonics teaching begins in our nursery class in preparation for the ELS scheme which begins at the start of Reception class.

Approach to Phonics

Phonics is taught as a daily part of learning. The school uses a systematic, high quality phonics scheme called Essential Letters & Sounds which begins at the start of the Reception class.  As the children move through Reception and Year 1, their growing phonological awareness enables them to build on previous learning, applying this to their reading in all areas of the curriculum. The scheme includes matched phonically decodable reading books which the children take home for reading practise weekly.

As they move into Key Stage 2, more emphasis is placed on spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Approach to Reading

At Brockholes Wood School & Pre-school we use Essential Letters & Sounds to teach early reading skills, which has matching phonically decodable books for reading practise.

How can you help your child with their reading?

Your child will bring home a reading book weekly in Reception and Year 1. These books are phonically matched to the phonics programme they are learning in school. These books may seem easy readers but this is deliberate to give your child success and confidence as a reader. When they bring home a book in addition to the phonically decodable book, this is for you to read to them.

Enjoyment of Reading

Reading for pleasure is a great way to encourage a life-long love of reading. Reading is promoted as an enjoyable activity in which ‘reading for pleasure’ is fundamental. During the course of a week, children are provided with opportunities in reading for pleasure, sometimes as part of a guided reading session and sometimes as Library time or whole class novel time.

Brockholes Wood Community Primary School
Brant Road, Preston PR1 5TU
01772 792302
01772 795523
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